

For us, responsibility guides all our activities. We respect nature and forest animals. The electricity needed for changing camera’s and mobile phone’s batteries is produced with solar panels. We recycle waste and to attract bears, we use local raw materials, such as by-products of fish food processing. This also supports the local circular economy. During the summer of 2024, we will calculate our company’s carbon footprint in order to develop our operations even more sustainable.

We are committed to preserving biodiversity. Surrounding our bear watching area on the Finnish side of the Russian border, there is a 600-hectare area where bear hunting is prohibited and which provides a safe environment for bears to prepare for hibernation in the autumn. Additionally, we have protected 50 hectares of forest land that acts as a carbon sink and storage. Of this nature reserve, 20 hectares are old-growth forest. The area also includes wetlands, swamps and various structured forests that provide diverse habitats for taiga forest species such as the capercaillie, the three-toed woodpecker, and the wolverine.

Our environmental responsibility reaches beyond our own operations. We have donated 10,000 euros to the restoration of the Kuusinki River and to strengthen its unique, wild trout population. The restoration and revival of the wild trout population is a long-term effort, and we are committed to continuing this work in the coming years.

Our goal is that every visitor can enjoy Nature knowing that they support sustainable and responsible wildlife tourism. Thank you for helping us protect and preserve the beautiful nature of Kuusamo for future generations as well.

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